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Fostering Voices Podcast

May 5, 2018

Episode 14 features Chris and our brand new foster babe!

We became a family of 7 again this week, and on the episode we talk about what week 1 looks like if you are interested in fostering babies. Basically, you need to go to the doctor for a check up, get a newborn screen done during days 5-10, and hopefully head to your nearest WIC office so you can go get some formula. I was SO prepared for this placement - I had a can of unopened formula, bottles, clothes (from Wesley!), and leftover diapers from my previous placement. This was the most ready we have ever been. Apparently 5th time's a charm...

In this episode, we also discuss:

  • our automatic vacuum cleaner: the Deebot. His name is also Dusty Bottoms, which we talk about at length. Sorry about that. But not sorry that I barely have to sweep anymore!
  • WIC - Find the office nearest you. If you are in the East Valley, I LOVE the Chandler Care Center. Don't forget to bring your Notice to Provider, and your baby/foster babe, and they will issue you a debit card that has your food allowance for up to 3 months. This is how we get free formula for our foster babies.
  • Example of foster care subsides in Georgia.
  • Helen's Hope Chest, Jose's Closet, and several other organizations that seek to supply clothes and other supplies for children in foster care. These are great organizations to donate to, instead of Goodwill.
  • Arizona Empowerment Scholarship, as well as other scholarship programs allowing reduced or free tuition to private schools.
  • Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation  is a great resource that will help foster kids go to Disneyland for free! Check out their website for lots of info for foster families

(Good) Word of the Day:

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10

Let's all do what we are talented, and gifted in, and called to do, and the more we do this, the better, anymore beautiful our world will be!