Sep 20, 2020
This week's episode focuses on building community in your actual neighborhood! We talk about the importance of community all the time. But it's easier to build community at work, or at church, maybe in a foster support group, or sports' team. But how about where you actually live?
Do you know your neighbors' names?
All of us want to help out people in need - like if your neighbor was going through cancer treatments, you would want to help them, right? But how would you know they have cancer if you don't even know their names??
Lindsay Watson, our sister-in-law and next-door neighbor, shares how she started our neighborhood's monthly meetings and Group Me text thread. Our neighborhood is THE best. And maybe yours is too, you just don't know it yet!
First Mondays
This is a thing that Lindsay started where the neighborhood ladies gather on someone's driveway around 8pm. Kids are usually in bed. No one has to clean their house. You bring your own folding chair and beverage of choice (no judgement), and an open heart to meet your neighbors! There's a question of the night so that everyone can get to know one another, and so that no one person dominates all the talking time. It's GREAT! We have gotten to know so much about our neighbors through First Mondays.
Our neighbor, Tia, was on our podcast cause we got to hear about her story at a First Monday. She is incredible, and you should listen to her journey here. She has adopted her 3 nieces, and cares for her husband who has ALS. She is a vision of strength and servant leadership.
The Good Word of the Day
"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. "
-Romans 12:6-8
We all have different gifts and talents. Maybe you aren't very extroverted, but you are yearning for community in your neighborhood. You may have to be the brave one who starts a First Monday. But once you get to know your neighbors, you can pass the 'leading' baton off to another neighbor who would enjoy leading it.
Podcasts we are listening to.
Lindsay listens to The Bible Binge, which is a fun podcast about looking at the Bible through a pop culture lens. It's pretty amazing.
Chris listens to The Financial Samurai, cause he loves financial podcasts! This episode talked about how your cars should value 10% of your income. Very interesting!
And Jihae listens to The Storybrand Podcast. This episode with Dan Heath was INCREDIBLE. They talked about looking at problems from an Upstream perspective, and we will definitely be reading, and discussing that book in a future episode!
If you would like to connect:
Fostering Voices on Instagram
Jihae on Instagram and Chris on Facebook
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