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Fostering Voices Podcast

Nov 28, 2021

In this episode, we share some simple tips that have been helping us to be more successful in the Watson household of 9. From making the bed to doing the cross crawl, we think you will be encouraged to do little things that will make a big impact. Our kids have already been experiencing some bigs wins at school because of these exercises!


0:00 - Intro 

3:30 - Thank you to our Sponsors!!

4:15 - The Importance of Habits 

4:44 - Exercising Every Day

7:11 - Compound Effect

10:39 - At Dinner Talk About Kindness

16:12 - Cross Crawl

21:10 - Tapping

30:04 - Good Word Of The Day!!


Showit United

Naval Officer  we talked about who tells you why you should make your bed.

Compound Effect one of our top 10 books! Read this and feel motivated to keep making small decisions that lead to big results.

At Dinner Talk About Kindness!

Cross Crawl  This is the new exercise we have been doing at home, and it has already helped out kids to connect the right and left sides of their brains, and has helped them to focus better!

Tapping is a powerful exercise you and your kids can do to relieve stress and sync the 2 hemispheres of your brain.

Power of High Five  Ed Mylett and Mel Robbins talk about the power of the High Five! Another great thing you can do with your kids!

Thanks to our Sponsors


Bek and Kev

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