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Fostering Voices Podcast

May 26, 2018

This episode is choc full of talking. And laughing. And thinking. And movie talking. And being 48 minutes long, this is our longest episode to date, I believe. So today I will be with you as you finish any and every chore you possibly have to do!

Our guest this week is Eric Epperson, who is a good friend and co-worker...

May 19, 2018

Today's episode is a different, and special one. You listeners are in for a treat - it's one where there is no Jihae. So that means no hyena, high pitched laughs. Life got in the way of the podcast, but fortunately, Chris is always up for a new challenge, so he took the reins as the host of this episode, and...

May 12, 2018

It's Mother's Day weekend, so today's episode is devoted to our moms - Barb Osborne and Sylvia Ham! You can learn basic facts about them, as well as intricate details about their character, and how they have reacted to our being foster and adoptive parents. We are so very thankful for the incredible example that both of...

May 5, 2018

Episode 14 features Chris and our brand new foster babe!

We became a family of 7 again this week, and on the episode we talk about what week 1 looks like if you are interested in fostering babies. Basically, you need to go to the doctor for a check up, get a newborn screen done during days 5-10, and hopefully head to...